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Gemul a fost preparat doar din ingrediente atent selectionare, naturale, cu gust puternic si delicios. Retetele sunt pastrate cu mare taina, acestea fiind transmise din generatie in generatie, astfel se asigura deliciul gustului. Preparatele sasesti traditionale din Tarnava Mare asigura calitatea deosebita si savoarea produselor. Ingrediente: zmeura, zaharNet 200 gBrut 350 gContinut zahar: 50 g la 100 g fructA se pastra la frigider dupa deschidereProdus in unitate autorizata Aut.Nr.734 din 33.09.2015RO:Produsele noastre provin din peisajele agricole cu Inalta Valoare Naturala (HNV – High Nature Value), din Tarnava Mare, o zona de sate sasesti din inima Transilvaniei. Peisajele HNV sunt caracterizate de o biodiversitate foarte bogata, fiind unice la nivel european. Cumparand aceste produse, te bucuri de hrana gustoasa si naturala, contribuind totodata la pastrarea identitatii culturale locale, la prosperitatea comunitatii rurale traditionale si la conservarea naturii.Fundatia ADEPT Transilvania desfasoara un program integrat, stabilind conexiuni intre protejarea biodiversitatii si beneficiile economice si sociale, oferind acestor peisaje si comunitati un viitor mai bun si relevanta pentru secolul al XXI-lea, fara a sacrifica sustenabilitatea si productivitatea acestor terenuri.Unitatea de procesare legume-fructe, SES Fruleco HNV, a fost creata pentru a le oferi micilor producatori un spatiu adecvat, in care pot prelucra materiile prime, pentru a obtine produse ca acesta, urmand retete traditionale.EN:Our products come from the beautiful High Nature Value (HNV) farmed landscapes of Tarnava Mare, an area of historic Saxon villages in the heart of Transylvania. These HNV farmed landscapes are havens for very rich biodiversity; here is a combination of traditional farming combined with farmland wildlife that is unique in Europe. By buying these products, you will enjoy tasty and natural food, while contributing to the preservation of the local cultural identity and prosperity of the traditional rural communities, and to the conservation of nature.Fundatia ADEPT Transilvania is an NGO that has been working in the area for 15 years, carrying out an integrated development programme that strengthens connections between biodiversity protection and economic and social benefits, thus offering these landscapes and communities a better future and relevance for the 21st century, without sacrificing their sustainability and productivity.The fruit and vegetable processing unit, SES Fruleco HNV, was created by ADEPT to provide small producers with a suitable space in which to process raw materials to make products like this one, following traditional recipes.
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