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Cu gust de caju si sare de mare, aceasta tableta de ciocolata va va satisface nevoia de dulce, sarat si crocant dintr-o singura inghititura. Acest blend de arome complementare, prezinta pe ambalaj portretul unei tinere femei de etnie Antanosy, popor situat in sudul insulei Madagascar, in orasul Fort Dauphin (Tolagnaro), o oaza de prospetime, care se situeaza la intersectia dintre munti, desert si Oceanul Indian. Acum, locuitori sunt marinari, pescari, dar si fermieri sau crescatori de animale.Tablets with at the image of MadagascarIn every Menakao chocolates, there are women and men!It is therefore natural that we wanted to illustrate our tablets by highlighting the faces of different ethnic groups that represent the Malagasy people. The Tanala, the Betsimisaraka, the Mahafaly, the Antanosy, the Bara or the Merina, all represented in their traditional headdresses and clothes. A tribute and a will to discover a country with multiple cultures that make the wealth of Madagascar; also a nod from Shahin Cassam Chenai, founder of Menakao, who wanted to recall four generations later the first commercial activities of the family: arrival at the beginning of the 19th century, it begins in the sale of postcards.
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