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Vin alb sec, produs din struguri selectati de soiul traditional moldovenesc Feteasca Regala, de culoare galben-pai, bogat in arome de caise, lamaie verde si flori de salcim.Gust bine echilibrat,mineralic, cu nuante de mere verzi, caise si citrice care trece intr-un postgust proaspat, vibrant si de lunga durata.Editie limitate de 900 sticle.Temperatura de servire 6-8°C. Dry white wine, produced from traditional Moldovan grape variety Feteasca Regala, yellow-straw color, rich in aromas of apricots, green lemon and acacia flowers. Well balanced taste,vibrant, mineral, with hints of green apples, apricots and citrus fruits, passes into a long lasting fresh aftertaste.Limited edition of 900 bottles.Serving temperature 6-8°C.
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