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Sandu Frunza is a professor at the Department of Communication, Public Relations and Advertising, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. He teaches courses on ethical counseling, communication philosophy, communication ethics, personal development and personal branding, religious imagery in advertising, and deontology and social responsibility. He is a practitioner of philosophical (existential) counseling and ethical communication counseling. Sandu Frunza is the author of several books, among which are: O antropologie mistica (A Mystical Anthropology) (1996), Iubirea Transcendenta (Love and Transcendence) (1999), Experienja religioasei in gindirea lui Dumitru Staniloae. O etica relationala (Religious Experience in Dumitru Staniloae's Thought. A Relational Ethic) (2001), Fundamentalismul religios noul conflict al ideologiilor (Religious Fundamentalism and the New Conflict of Ideologies) (2003), Filosofie Judaism (Philosophy and Judaism) (2006), Ethical Communication and Social Responsibility (2013), Ethical Reconstruction of Public Space through Rethinking of the Relationship among Philosophy, Religion and Ideology (2013), Advertising Constructs Reality. Religion and Advertising in the Consumer Society (2014), Comunicare simbolicd seductie (Symbolic Communication and Seduction) (2014), Esti o fiinta autentica. Despre tine, filosofie, comunicare, dezvoltare personalii, si leadership, (You Are an Authentic Being. About Yourself, Philosophy, Communication, Personal Development and Leadership) (2018).