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When God Was a Bird: Christianity, Animism, and the Re-Enchantment of the World - Mark I. Wallace
Codul produsului: 26316962
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In a time of rapid climate change and species extinction, what role have the world's religions played in ameliorating-or causing-the crisis we now face? One can point to Christianity's otherworldly theologies, which privilege our spiritual aspirations over our natural origins, as bearing a disproportionate burden for creating humankind's exploitative attitudes toward nature.And yet, buried deep within the Christian tradition are startling portrayals of God as the beaked and feathered Holy Spirit-the animal God of historic Christian witness. Through biblical readings, historical theology, continental philosophy, and personal stories of sacred nature, this book recovers the Christian God as a creaturely, avian being promiscuously incarnated within all things.This beautifully and accessibly written book shows that Christian animism is not a contradiction in terms but Christianity's natural habitat. Challenging traditional Christianity's self-definition as an otherworldly religion, Wallace paves the way for a new Earth-loving spirituality grounded in the ancient image of an animal God who signals the presence of spirit in everything, human and more-than-human alike. 2019 NAUTILUS GOLD WINNER In a time of rapid climate change and species extinction, what role have the world's religions played in ameliorating--or causing--the crisis we now face? Religion in general, and Christianity in particular, appears to bear a disproportionate burden for creating humankind's exploitative attitudes toward nature through unearthly theologies that divorce human beings and their spiritual yearnings from their natural origins. In this regard, Christianity has become an otherworldly religion that views the natural world as fallen, as empty of signs of God's presence. And yet, buried deep within the Christian tradition are startling portrayals of God as the beaked and feathered Holy Spirit - the animal God, as it were, of historic Christian witness. Through biblical readings, historical theology, continental philosophy, and personal stories of sacred nature, this book recovers the model of God in Christianity as a creaturely, avian being who signals the presence of spirit in everything, human and more-than-human alike. Mark Wallace's recovery of the bird-God of the Bible signals a deep grounding of faith in the natural world. The moral implications of nature-based Christianity are profound. All life is deserving of humans' care and protection insofar as the world is