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Connected: Closeness to Christ through Bible Study - Leroy Harrison
Codul produsului: 30883370
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Knowing about a person is easy. Just read all you can find about them and talk to someone who knows them and you can gather enough information to develop a good general idea of who they are. However, if you really want to know the person, and not just gather facts about them, your best strategy is to talk directly to them and develop a relationship with them. This principle also applies to knowing God. It is easy to know about God. Bookstores are full of what others have to say about Him. You can certainly gather enough facts to write your own book about who He is. But it is better to know God, and not just know about God. To achieve this, you will have to develop your own, intimate relationship with Him. Bible study is the avenue that we can use to travel closer to God. Any good relationship is formed and strengthened by good communication. This is also true of a relationship with God. In this book, you will learn how to study the Bible in such a way that your communication with God will enhance your closeness to Him.