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Bucuresti, Bucuresti
Figurina Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark Deluxe Gallery PVC Escape with Idol 25 cm

Figurina Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark Deluxe Gallery PVC Escape with Idol 25 cm

449.00 RON
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Cumpara Figurina Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark Deluxe Gallery PVC Escape with Idol 25 cm de pe la un pret competitiv.
Fugi cat poti de tare, Indiana! Doctorul Jones sprinteaza printre sageti, cu idolul in mana, in timp ce un bolovan urias se rostogoleste dupa el, distrugand tot ce ii sta in cale.nnAceasta diorama Gallery masoara aproximativ 25 cm si este realizata din PVC de calitate superioara, cu detalii sculpturale si aplicatii de vopsea inedite.